Well I had a goal of getting the Griifin area to a stage of being complete without all the details by the end of 2012. This goal was to have the area completed enough to give a non-modeler a sense that it was complete. Well I did not meet that goal completely but I made enormous headway in the past 2 months that I have been working on the area. From the previous post that I have made, I had to work on buildings, build a road and form a hill for the road bridge, do scenery, make trees etc. Well I would say that I achieved 85% of my goal. There is a section of the town that has an open space that I have decided to fill with two buildings that I have to build, paint and eventually detail. Also the tree making project continues. I think that I still need to make about 20 something trees to get the scene where I want it to be. Well here are the current pics of the progress.
I also built a fence and placed around the parking lot of the freight house to break up the openness of the scene.